Sat Nam Rasayan Healing

As Mia has been healing herself and has self realised the difference within her body and behaviour she has felt a calling to be in service to support healing for all and everyone.
Mia studies Level 1 & 2 with Sven Butz in Turiya School of Healing and Meditation, Germany. She has participated in SNR Perugia retreats 2019, 2020, Reman 2020 with Guru Dev Singh and taken part of several other Retreats. Mia continues her journey as healer with her daily practice and participation in workshops and retreats b her teachers Sven Butz and Sadhu Singh.
at Nam Rasayan is an ancient healing method, originally coming from India and Tibet. It is a healing, a treatment that affects deeply and can offer long lasting health benefit for our body, mind and soul (release anxiety, stress, heal pain in the body, overcome depression, find balance and clearness, open blocks for personal growth), it can heal communities, spaces and even globally.
Healing sessions can be received personally or from distance. During the session patient is laying down comfortably and practitioner is in a state of silence, Shuniya, where. In that state healer listens and patient goes into a deep relaxation. That is where healing occurs. Body heals itself.
Sat Nam Rasayan healing is like peeling an onion, layer by layer blocks and tightness from the body can be released. So we can become who we really are, bloom and glow and make others glow around us.
It all begins with the body and the love and attention you bring to it.
As Mia has been healing herself and has self realised the difference within her body and behaviour she has felt a calling to be in service to support healing for all and everyone.
Mia studies Level 1 & 2 with Sven Butz in Turiya School of Healing and Meditation, Germany. She has taken part of several Retreats around the world. Her intentional journey to heal self and others evolves from each experience to another, with her graceful and open observation of life, steady daily practice, love and joy towards life.
“I think of our session as the catalyst for the changes that are coming about in my life, most of which I have tried to force into being unsuccessfully before, I was blocked. It's like many blocks have been removed now. Now I get encouraged by challenges rather than shutting down. I'm both more courageous and sensitive. I tackle tasks that I'm quite scared of. I feel very blessed and really look forward to meeting you in person :) thanks again.”
— Many blessings, Jenny, Germany
“When I Received Sat Nam Rasayan from Mia I felt as if my body started to feel alive again. I felt a sensation of harmony and peace and my organism felt as it was back in synch. My body started buzzing and I felt energized. Mia is a wonderful healer with soft gentle energy. Mias touch in the combination of Sat Nam Rasayan is the feeling of a soft divine warm blanket when you are tired and cold. I highly recommend Mia.”
— Hari Sant, Sweden
“I’m not spiritual per se and I went to Mia’s treatment by chance. I didn’t expect anything, but it turned out to be groundbreaking. Afterwards my mind was clear and empty of negative thoughts, and this stayed with me for a long time.I don’t know what she did, I don’t even pretend to understand it, I’m just grateful.”
— Mirkka, Germany
Mia’s nature is happy, peaceful and healing. As a stressed and multitasking person, like me, I have received peace and deep recovery moments in her treatments. After every session my mind has been clear and I see myself clearly. Mia’s gentle guidance helps too.
-Dharam Kaur Waris
Head nurse, city of Helsinki, Founder of the Khalsagarh Society Finland, Charity Organization
Mia is an exceptional healer; her treatments are loving and filled with dedication. They reach profound depths and create lasting positive effects. Her expertise in Sat Nam Rasayan healing is truly remarkable and transformative.
-Siri Gopal, Germany
"Mia oli entuudestaan tuttu minulle joogan opettajanani. Tämä 3 hoidon sarja vaikutti minuun syvärentouttavalla tavalla, ja otin sen osana muitakin itsehoitokeinoja. Mian hoidossa oli hyvä olla."
- Pasi Liimatainen, Finland
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