
Create your own Heart Amulet Workshop
DATES: 3. & 10.11.2024
TIMES: 15.30 - 18.30
LOCATION: Mia’s Studio in Munich
Join us for a unique workshop where you will create your own
HEART pendant, an amulet for everyday
either for yourself or someone special. This is more than just a jewelry-making class; it’s a journey into self-love, healing, and creativity.
What to Expect:
In this two-session workshop, we will blend the transformative power of Kundalini yoga meditations with the creative process of jewelry-making. Our focus will be on opening, healing, and expanding the heart space, enhancing your intuition, and allowing you to create from a place of deep inner connection.

Kundalini Women Circle
In everyday we are faced with many challenges: our own past, our health, family, work you name it …. With yogic practices we can stay calm and neutral in these confrontations.
Women Circle event is a gathering of Women that want to grow consiously, want to expand, heal, love, enjoy purely life. Women Circle is a space to be you, just how you are in that day.
We will practice physical kundalini yogic asanas, open up our lungs & heart and experience beautiful meditation.

HOME contemporary jewelry exhibition
HOME contemporary jewelry exhibition together with Estonian jewelry artist Ketli Tiitsar.
We are exploring space that we call home within ourselves and that we surround ourselves with.
Opening reception Sunday 21.7.2024 at 4 PM
Artist talk Monday 22.7.2024 at 6 PM

Natural High Healing Festival - Workshop Leader
Natural High Healing Festival 4.-7.7.2024, Uusikaupunki, Finland
WOW !! I’m excited to be part of creating this magic!
Natural High is an event of creativity, freedom and heart that brings people together in a substance free way to celebrate life and its wonders.
See you in the summer of love! Get your ticket: www.naturalhighfestival.com/tickets/
WOMEN CIRCLE in Munich - HEALING MOTHER WOUND with Ceremonial Cacao
HEALING MOTHER WOUND with Ceremonial Cacao
With super special blend of Ceremonial cacao from Mexico we soften our heartcenter. This will allow it to open comfortably, beautifully with kundalini yoga practices we will practice together after.
With Kindness & Gratitude to Self and All - Our Heart can trust to Bloom little freer and wilder. .)
Looking forward to share this beautiful Circle with you.
Love & light,

Kundaliinijooga Festarit
Vesimiehen ajan kundaliinijoogafestivaalit. Luvassa on kundaliinijoogaa, erilaisia työpajoja, yhdessä tekemistä, tanssia, iltanuotioita, mantralauluja, musiikkia, saunomista ja hyviä viboja.
Tervetuloa perjantaina mun työpajaan ‘My Body is My Altar’ Aivan ihanaa tulla taas jakamaan ja opettamaan ja myös ottaa osaa muihin työpajoihin.
Uusi paikka tarjoaa parantavaa energiaa, onhan se vanha keuhkoparantola kauniilla paikalla. Hub Feenix on syntynyt tarpeesta yhteisöllisyyteen, kauneuteen ja henkiseen kasvuun. Siellä on tilaa ja jokaiselle löytyy itselle sopiva majoitusvaihtoehto.
Niistä syntyvät kesän aidosti parhaat bileet!
BLOOM - Flow of Creativity Workshop
Do you feel sometimes stuck and not quit sure how to make next move?
Maybe you feel overworked or you have been over giving for others
and there has not been so much space for you and your beautiful creative world.
Creativity is everything. It is leaking up in the morning, it is cooking, organising your objects, belongings, dear things in your home. Creativity can flow in all parts of our lives.
That is when we are truly ourselves. We live our authentic truth.
Join to this workshop to experience and take home with you kundalini yoga practices - you can integrate into your daily life. They take just 5-20 min.
Workshop will be combination of physical exercises so we open up and feel ourselves and our bodies. We will do breath work / Pranayama practice, enjoy mantras and go deep into Allowing our individual creativity to bloom.
We welcome you to come and to BLOOM towards You. Who knows what you find. So wonderful.
Please bring with you a notebook, comfortable clothes and scarf to cover your head with. Looking forward to share Blooming with YOu.
Reserve your spot

WOMEN CIRCLE in Munich - Peace Within
Peace Within Women Circle
Is us women to sit and share together.
Sitting in circle where everyone is individual and equal, coming to circle just how and who they are.
We will tune into topic Peace and what it is for you.
We will practice kundalini yoga breath work, physical movements and meditations to open us to new possibilities.
Looking forward to share this beautiful Circle with you.
Love & light,

Sydämeni Rytmi Rhythm of You Retreat in Finland
Sydämeni Rytmi Retriitti -
Rhythm of You Retreat in Finland
(text in engliah below finnish)
Hyppää mukaan seikkailuun sinuun itseesi, omaan kehosi ääneen, tule sitä kuuntelemaan. Antaudu kehosi rytmille. Tule ja tee itsellesi Shamaani rumpu, sinun loitsulla poltettuna, sinun omaa elämän matkaa vahvistamaan jokaiseen päivääsi. Tervetuloa tunnustelemaan kehosi, mielesi ja sielusi ääniä, nauttimaan Suomen luonnosta ja sen lahjoista, jakamaan seremoniallinen hetki savusaunassa ja oppia luottamaan oman kehosi rytmiin.
Jaana Louhelainen on juukalainen luontais- ja energiahoitaja, rummuntekijä sekä rummunteon opettaja, joka tuo rumpujensa kautta voimaa ja rohkeutta edetä omalla elämänpolulla sydämensä viitoittamaa tietä.
Mia Maljojoki on Joensuusta kotoisin oleva korusuunnittelija, joogan ja meditaation harjoittaja ja ohjaaja, Sat Nam Rasayan energiahoitaja, ja naispiirien haltiatar. Vuodesta 1996 Mia on asunut ja kouluttaunut ulkomailla (Boston, USA ja München, Saksa).
Sydämeni Rytmi Retriitti - Rhythm of You Retreat in Finland
Join for an adventure, build your own Shamanic Drum, experience depths of your body, mind and soul with kundalini yoga practices, enjoy pure Finnish nature, its gifts and culture like smoke sauna, and ceremonies.
Shamanic Drum maker and healer Jaana Louhelainen and Sat Nam Rasayan Healer and artist Mia Maljojoki will be guiding your journey to the rhythm of you.
It all begins with the body and the love and attention you bring to it.
Spaces are limited and some already reserved.
Will be magical.
Opening and Closing Ceremony

Vanhasta Uutta korutyöpaja - Rebirthing Jewelry
9.3. ja 10.3.2024 Vanhasta Uutta korutyöpaja - Rebirthing Jewelry
Työpaja I 9.3.29024 klo 11–15
työpaja II 10.3.2024 klo 11–15
Onko sinulla kotona koruja, jotka olet perinyt, saanut lahjaksi ehkä itsellesi ostanut, joita et käytä enää? Onko ne ‘unohduksissa’ laatikon perällä? Toivoisit kuitenkin, että voisit käyttää niitä? Tehdään yhdessä vanhasta uutta.
Anna korulle/koruillesi uusi elämä. Käytetään sitä, mitä jo on olemassa ja lisätään siihen se mikä sinusta tuntuu hyvältä. Joskus on hyvä pistää vanha osiksi, katsoa osasia uudesta kulmasta ja yhdistää ne tähän hetkeen.
Työpajan vetää korutaiteilija Mia Maljojoki. Hänellä on mukana materiaalia lisättäväksi koruun. Osa hänen materiaalistansa on maksullista ja se maksetaan käteisellä hänelle.
Työpajaan mahtuu maksimissaan 12 osallistujaa. Työpaja toteutuu, mikäli osallistuja on vähintään 7 henkilöä.
Ilmoittautuminen 28.2.2024 mennessä osoitteeseen info@kellojakorumuseo.fi. Ilmoittautuminen on sitova.
Osallistumismaksu on 35 € (sis. alv 24 %) / osallistuja /päivä, molemmat päivät 65 € (sis. alv 24 %) /osallistuja. Maksu kattaa opetuksen, työvälineiden käytön ja mahdollistaa vierailun museon näyttelyissä. Osallistumismaksu maksetaan kassalle saavuttaessa työpajaan.
Balance & Harmony within - My Body is my Altar
Mitä sinulle kuuluu? Miltä sinun kehossa, mielessä ja sielussa tuntuu?
Kuinka paljon kiinnität sinuun huomiota? Annatko aikaa omalle hyvinvoinnille?
Tule kokemaan tehokkaita kundaliini jooga harjoituksia, inspiraatiota arkeen.
Yhteys omaan hengitykseen, pranayama Syvä meditaatio ja mantra
ryhmä Sat Nam Rasayan energia hoito
Kysymyksiä ja Vastauksia
(Tuo mukanasi joogamatto, peitto, journal)
Kuuntelemalla omaa itseä päivittäin - opimme tuntemaan omat tarpeemme syvemmin, sekä vahvistamaan sisäistä tahtoa. 3 minuuttia omaa aikaa päivässä on parempi kuin 0 minuuttia.
Tule juuri sellaisena kuin olet nyt - aikaisempaa kokemusta ei tarvita.
Mia on Sat Nam Rasayan ( Kundaliini jooga traditio) 2 tason energia hoitaja ja yogini. Mia on perehtynyt ja harjoitellut intensiivisesti eri jooga lajeja 90-luvun alusta alkaen, kunnes keskellä suurta omaa kriisiä päätyi kundaliini jooga mantra meditaatioon. Tämä muutti hänen kokemuksen omasta kehosta, mielestä ja sielusta - Mialle kutsumuksen jakaa tietoa mikä hänellä on.
"When woman heals herself She heals her mother, she heals her daughter and she heals every woman she surrounds herself with."
-Medicine Mami
Me kaikki haluamme olla onnellisia. Mitä on onnellisuus?
Kuinka paljon kannamme mukanamme tietämättämme vanhempiemme, isovanhempiemme, heidän vanhempiensa vanhoja malleja, kokemuksia ja uskomuksia?
Tämä workshop tapahtuu esivanhempiemme karmoista vapautumiseksi kiitollisuuden ja ymmärryksen sekä pyyteettömän rakkauden kautta. Haluamme rakastaa itseämme ja muita sekä laskea irti vanhoista perityistä ja opituista tavoista, joita emme enää halua emmekä tarvitse.

My Body is my Altar#5 with Mia special guest Rauhsna
Date & Time: 10.12.2023 Sunday - 15.00-17.00 ( doors open 16.50)
Where: Salon de Shakti, Arcisstr. 55, backyard entrance
Bring with you: celebration clothes, scarf/ blanket, journal, open mind to receive and experience.
Our topic for this workshop is: NAAD (sound) -Vocal sound healing
What is our voice communicating to us?
We will tune into our soul voices, vibrate and sing together.
From this embodied experience of connection we will then enjoy the deep relaxation in Rauhsna’s soothing soundscapes.
Limited seat. Early Bird until end of the day 26.11.23

My Body is My Altar#4 * Women Circle
My Body is My Altar #4
Cacao Ceremony & Opening of our heart
Listening self, Gratitude experience
Limited seat / reserve your spot

Turiya Retreat with Healing jewelry
Sat Nam Rasayan Retreat by Turiya School of Healing and Meditation
With Sadhu Singh
Newest selection of Healing Jewelry

Women Circle
Harmony and Balance within and building up a personal Altar
beautiful kundalini yoga meditations for everyday use. Creating personal rituals.
no previous experience needed. come as you are in the moment.

Cacao Ceremony with deep Kundalini Yoga meditation
Cacao Ceremony with yogic practices for
Healing Past Relationships and making space for new
Collaboration with Nazire Maris

Healing Jewelry at White Tantra Workshop
Looking forward to Exhibit NEW Unique Healing Jewelry.
Come and Love to meet you.

Yogic Women Circle
Yogic Women Circle. During this Fall I am offering My Body is my Altar 5 x Workshop series in Salon de Shakti Yoga Studio in the heart of Munich. There will be special guests, sharing from other amazing creative women. When you join you are welcome to write to me and let me know what you love to share during these workshops.

Steam & Dream - Yoni Steam Sauna & Sound Healing
Tagesworkshop für Weiblichkeit & Kreativität
Yoni Steam Sauna & Sound Healing
Bei einer Yoni Steam Sauna empfängst du sanften Wasserdampf mit Kräuteressenzen.
Die Erfahrung ist wunderschön und tief entspannend – allein, oder in einer sicheren und geschützten Atmosphäre einer Gruppe von Freundinnen oder gleichgesinnten Frauen.
Yoni ist das Sanskritwort für das weibliche Genital, die Gebährmutter und die Vagina. Es bedeutet „heiliger Ort“ und symbolisiert unsere göttlich-universelle Natur und das heilige Portal Schöpfung und Leben.
Mia und Alexandra gestalten das Ritual und den Erlebnisraum Yoni Steam Sauna & Sound Healing gemeinsam, sanft und achtsam.
Dich erwartet ein besonderer Frauenkreis mit Kräuteressenzen, Düfte, Kakao, Snacks, authentischem Austausch, Sharing, Musik, Meditation und alles begleitet vom Einlang der Gongs & Klängen und einem längeren Klangerlebnis in der Stillephase und dem Nachspüren.
Gemeinsam zu Essen stärkt unsere Verbindung und wir bitten dich für die Mittagspause eine vegan/vegetarischen Beitrag fürs Büffet mitzubringen.
Gefiltertes Wasser und Tee sowie Snacks sind vorhanden.

Moonday Yoga & Meditation
Monday is Moon day
There we will start English Yoga/Meditation class
-you receive weekly Zoom platform class with pranayama (breathing), yoga exercises that offer your body strength, capacity and balance. We will practice meditations and enjoy relaxation in Sawasana.
I look forward to practice with both groups!
There is no previous experience needed, come as you are!
This is perfect.

Ancestral Karma Release Circle
Freedom takes work. - Gurmukh
We all want to be happy. What is happiness?
How much do we carry with us, without even knowing the old patterns and believes of our parents, grandparents, their parents.
There is a beautiful kundalini yoga meditation to release ancestral karma, and we will practice that together this evening. And make space for new.
Please bring pictures of your ancestors; maybe parents, grandparents, who would you love to call upon. Maybe you have piece of jewellery as reminder from them, pieces of clothing or an object that you love to have in circle.
I look forward to share this powerful practice with you.
Come as you are
Love & Light
Mia Saraswati

WE WOMEN - Kundalini Yoga two day retreat - Wombhealing
WE WOMEN Retreat-
Sacred Womb Healing to Call in Prosperity and Beauty
29.10 - 30.10.2022 in the center of Munich.
This is a 2 day retreat
9.00 - 18.00 Saturday & 8.00-17.00 Sunday
We are looking forward to meet in circle and go deep within.
This retreat is to get to know and touch the deep waters of your wounds to seek healing within on a deep level based on trust of letting go.
This retreat we will introduce practices for you to develop a healthy relationship to your Yoni and connect with her.
During this retreat we will introduce practices to tend to our inner altar.
We will take you thru an inner journey for you to discover parts of yourself that was long forgotten.
Through the ancient medicine cacao we will connect to the heart and bridge the wisdom of your womb space and channel healing from the heart.
When we open and relax and let all of us be present we can start to call in prosperity and creativity.


Hyvinvointi Tapahtuma -Hetki Lahden Messukeskuksessa
Kätevä & Tekevä will bring together craftspeople and hobbyists under the same roof at Lahti Sports and Trade Fair Centre on 5th to6th November 2022. The halls will be packed with things to see and do!
At the event, handmade products and arts and crafts supplies will take centre stage. A wide-ranging entertainment programme will also be provided.
Held at the same time with Kätevä & Tekevä fair, Hetki event will introduce a variety of service providers in the fields of well-being, fashion, beauty and pampering, exercise and activities. The main themes of the event are also reflected in the varied entertainment programme for the event.
Themes of the event:
-Pampering and well-being
-Beauty and fashion

Tervetuloa sydäntä avaavaan Naisten Piiriin istumaan yhdessä. Teemme Kundaliinijoogaan perustuvia harjoituksia, liikutamme kehoa, pysähdymme seremoniallisen kaakon johdattamana oman kehon syvyyksiin meditation ja mantran tukemana. Lopuksi Mia antaa ryhmä hoidon sawasanassa ja jokainen voi kertoa tuntemuksistaan.

Bound Lotus Workshop ONLINE
Come and Heal together with divine Bound Lotus Kundalini Yoga practice.
Bowing towards self relaxation and self knowing.
Bound Lotus is a yoga practice that can heal all, mind, body and soul.
There is a variation for each body, and the point is not to hurt self, but to heal .

YOUGLOWYOU Jewelry goes White Tantra
Heal yourself with the power of jewelry.
Handmade Jewelry.
Like modern amulets, they transmit and amplify the intention one wears it with.
It all begins with the body and the love and attention you bring to it. When you wear the jewelry and experience the practices given, you transmute your energy within the body, open yourself to allow more joy, pleasure and abundance in your life.
New for you!
40 day mentorship program
- weekly healing session in person or distance
-weekly practice on Zoom
- practice suggestions, playlist inspiration and informational tips, whatsapp contact

Earth’s Embrace Mala Necklace
Labradorite, blue agate, rudraksha seed, tiger eye, hessonite, carnelian, garnet, citrine, amber, Jupiter, clear quartz, smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, amethyst, aqua marine, gold-plated silver triangle
This unique healing necklace is made to support balance, vitality and joy in your everyday life.