Yoni Steam Healing
Yoni Steam is a deep healing session.
Where we women can learn to relax, we experience how we can let go little more, and be in ease.
Life in Happiness and Joy.
This harmony bringing yoni steam happens in person. Takes about 2-3 hours. Will be served with herbs, crystals will be a hot, steaming water. Guided relaxation and individual Sat Nam Rasayan healing session sounds of ancient mantras. This is a beautiful experience privately or in a ‘friends’ intimate safe group atmosphere.”
*Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia, the womb, and the vagina. It means "sacred place" and symbolizes our divine nature and its sacred portal to life.
Private 3 hr Session 220 EUR (inc. 19% Mv St.)
Group (min. 4 people) 70 EUR /person
Price includes herbs, tee and small snacks